Fish and Chip surprise!

Created by Brian 2 years ago

So sad to hear of Trevors passing

We grew up together in Malton Place, Breadsall, where we lived next door but one to eachother 

Spent a lot of good times together, playing football, camping out and playing with his prized Air rifle.

His parents Harry and Dot, used to take me on holiday with them near Matlock where Trev and me had lots of fun in the caravan while Dot and Harry were out at the Miners Arms where Harry played the drums. They always brought fish and chips for supper when they came back. 

One night while we were eating them Trev was laughing so much, he had a coughing fit and a large piece of cod including batter came down his nose! Which made us laugh even more.

I was only talking about him yesterday with my brother and have many happy memories of him. He was was a great lad and I was proud to be his mate .